Contacting Like Rain Publishing (Also use this address to schedule a speaking engagement with one of our authors) (see our submissions page for details on what to include)
Standard Address Number (Editorial SAN) 920-3109
221 N. Washington Blvd #13922,
Ogden, UT 84412
Discover a great new author today. Our latest titles provide a fresh perspective in genres including inspirational memoir, parenting, spirituality, business management and even home improvement. |
We specialize in helping authors navigate the publishing world, create a unique platform and get noticed. A full range of services help emerging authors who want the control and higher margins afforded by today’s dynamic self-publishing options without going it alone. We know how intimidating this business can be, so our process is straightforward and comes bundled with encouragement. |
You have honed your craft and we can package it as beautifully as good writing deserves. From unique cover design to web development to custom photography we can get your ideas all dressed up with somewhere to go. |